The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.(HP Lovecraft - The Call of Cthulhu)

sâmbătă, noiembrie 28, 2009

Florin Vlasceanu Facts

Well , din plictiseala si din situatia mea de aproape corigent la mate , si inspirat oarecum de ideea lui Ramming St .... errm adica V despre un personaj la fel de controversat , am decis sa elaborez cateva teorii despre mult iubitul tovaras/conducator suprem/profesor de matematica la clasa a 10-a G Florin Vlasceanu . Enjoy , mai postez daca imi mai vine inspiratie .

Moartea a incercat odata sa intre peste ora lui Florin Vlasceanu . De-aia a ajuns in stadiul asta .

De ce n-a opus Iisus rezistenta cand a fost judecat pentru a fi rastignit ? Aflase ca urma sa devina elev al lui Florin Vlasceanu .

Dumnezeu inainte era chel cu par doar pe parti in toate icoanele . Pana l-a dat Vlasceanu in judecata pentru furt de imagine . Urmeaza Basescu .

De ce s-a impuscat Kurt Cobain ? Tocmai daduse un test cu Vlasceanu si nu si-a adus aminte din clasa a 8-a .

A existat odata un chitarist celebru numit Florin Vlasceanu . Dupa ce a vorbit doua minute singur cu adevaratul Vlasceanu , a iesit in fuga din birou si si-a modificat numele in Eddie Van Halen .

A existat odata un liceu in Bucuresti care era de rasul tuturor , unde toti erau prosti . Pana a trecut Florin Vlasceanu pe acolo . Astazi este cunoscut drept Colegiul National Mihai Viteazul .

Lui Florin Vlasceanu nu i-a cazut parul . Avand in vedere ca el se enerva tot timpul ca nu-i sta bine , partea din varful capului a fugit sperand sa scape de furia sa . Nimeni nu scapa de Vlasceanu deci a fost prins si aruncat peste un pamant sterp si pustiu . Azi acolo exista padurea amazoniana .

Spiru trebuia sa se numeasca la inceput Colegiul National Florin Vlasceanu , dar el a preferat sa ramana modest .

A fost odata un copil rasfatat si fericit . Pana cand a devenit elev al lui Florin Vlasceanu . Dupa care a ramas cunoscut in istorie ca Adolf Hitler .

Ce au fost de fapt atentatele de la 11 septembrie ? Niste elevi ai lui Vlasceanu care ramasesera corigenti si vroiau sa scape de el prin orice mijloc , doar ca Vlasceanu i-a pacalit schimband coordonatele de pilotare ale avioanelor .

In proiectul sau initial , in WoW nu trebuia sa existe nici o urma de matematica . Pana a intervenit Vlasceanu .

Prima serie de corigenti ai lui Vlasceanu : Albert Einstein , Pierre&Marie Curie , Alfred Nobel , Arhimede , Nikola Tesla .

Comunistii au inscenat revolutia . Vlasceanu i-a amenintat cu un 2 daca nu pleaca .

Florin Vlasceanu a desfiintat tabelul periodic al elementelor . El recunoaste doar elementele unei multimi .

Odata o eleva a devenit asa de infricosata de posibilitatea unui 2 la matematica cu Vlasceanu incat a avut sechele si halucinatii multi ani dupa, incepand sa fuga de acasa regulat . Intr-o zi , la maturitate , l-a revazut pe Vlasceanu . Numele ei ? Elodia Ghinescu .

Florin Vlasceanu a vrut sa demonstreze ca 1=2 . Cand a vazut ca nu poate , a dat un telefon si a schimbat legile matematice .

Ce sunt de fapt trupele de mathcore ? Simplu . Math - matematica , Core - prescurtarea de la corigent cu Vlasceanu .

Nu exista satanisti . Doar elevi care s-au rugat la Dumnezeu sa nu ramana corigenti cu Vlasceanu . Evident ca au ramas . In schimb , exista unii care au trecut . Si asa s-au fondat martorii lui Iehova .

De ce nu mai e Bill Gates cel mai bogat om din lume ? Intr-o zi , ajuns acasa , Florin Vlasceanu avea de trimis un mail important , cand dintr-odata Windowsu' a dat crash . A trebuit doar sa trimita o poza la sediul Microsoft cu el pregatindu-se sa scrie un 2 in catalog , si si-a primit banii dati pe sistem de 150.000 de ori .

Exista o singura intrebare care , indiferent de contextul in care e pusa , are ca raspuns intotdeauna multimea vida : "De cate ori a trecut cineva peste ce vrea Vlasceanu fara sa sufere dupa ? "

Si , la sfarsit , una a lui V prelucrata de mine :

Florin Vlasceanu si Geo Calugaru au intrat intr-un bar . Barul s-a prabusit imediat , stiind ca are mai multe sanse sa nu se prabuseasca de la o lovitura a lui Chuck Norris decat sa nu ramana corigent la ambii .

UPDATE IMPORTANT : fapt aditional despre Florin Vlasceanu aici . So cum se face ca un profesor are atatia bani ? Simplu . Se numeste Florin Vlasceanu .

SECOND UPDATE : Din cate se pare , Florin Vlasceanu este primul roman din istorie care a obtinut in justitie o condamnare impotriva unei banci din Romania pe motiv de frauda bancara .
Nimeni nu se pune cu Florin Vlasceanu . Suntem blestemati .

marți, septembrie 01, 2009

Episode One : German Style Celebration

What passing bells for these who die as cattle?
Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells;
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells .
Anthem for Doomed Youth - Wilfred Owen

- So , basically all you have to do is take her ass out of the scene . And believe me , I'll make it worth your time . For the money I'll give you , you can buy yourself the Pope and his cardinals .
- If you hate her that much , why won't you blast her brains yourself ? And by the way , one more religious joke and tonight I'll stick a cross right up your ass .
- Take it easy , ace , I'd personally set a bomb on his Pope-mobile and after that shit on his holy burning body . Why wouldn't I do it ? Hmm .... maybe because of the restraining order . Yeah that's it . If I'd even get close to her , I'd -
- Cut the bullshit . If you're as great as you claim you were , you would kill her within two moves and have time to make facebook photos , "ace" .
- I told you about my condition . Two years ago I would've done it by myself and stopped asking a disrespectful fuck as the guy I'm currently talking to .
- Disrespectful not . Hateful of lying retired self-complaining ex-spies yes .
- Lying ?!?
- Damn right . I checked your dossier , mister Ralsberg . Indeed , you were a spy . You failed in spying the russians during the Georgia crisis . In fact you were so pathetic that the commies knew all the time about you , and considered you as much of a threat as the possibility of being invaded by Somalia .
- But -
- You were kicked out of the CIA . And your last medical report tells the story of a perfectly healthy man , not even one scratch , not to mention you're as crippled as a steel bar .
- Wai -
- You are just a liar , mister Ralsberg . I do not work for liars . Goodbye .
It was half past nine AM . What would somebody who isn't going to church do awake at this time on Sunday , especially someone as nocturnal as me , would be a mystery beyond comprehending , if it wouldn't be for the phone discussion i just showed you .
The caller , Thomas Frederick Ralsberg , could be described as an average 40 year old self complaining fatass . For years he had been looking for the perfect hitman to kill his former wife , Nina Kreitz , an ex german top model now turned herself hitman . I'll say it loud and clear : I'd fuck her ass all the way from LA to Rio . Unfortunately , necrophilia is not an option I look too much into at the moment .
My reason for my obvious lack of respect towards my possible momentarely employer is his failure of knowing anything about the case . His only reason for it is the greed to keep the money he so much "worked for" in his years as a CIA operative . I don't know what a guy could be called if someone whom he just met knows more about his ex-wife than he ever did . I don't really care , but you'll have to agree with me , when a guy doesn't know he's married with a killer , he's more of a dumbfuck than an anarchist is .
Nina , however , never disappointed me . We never actually met , but the research I have done on her show that the AAS ( American Assassin Society , mostly referred to as "ACE" ) was not wrong when getting her into their ranks . Petty crimes in a small german town Burghausen , flawlessly escaped every time . Moved to Cologne after that , local sex scandals with some of the Town Council , " mysterious disappearing" of people and the town key ( I always wondered what the fuck would people want to do with something like that ... a new kind of dildo ?) , and seducing her way to the top of a local modeling agency . Also high in the ranks of a neo-nazi organization . Her crime run went on a stop there , as the modeling career proved way more profitable . And it also didn't involve blowjobs to married men in their fifties .
After arriving in America , she would rapidly become a target for every lone millionaire wanting extreme fresh nazi sensations . Unfortunately for her , World War 2 was over for quite some time , and those who survived it weren't in the greatest physical shape now . However , Ralsberg was exactly what she was looking for : dumb , rich , dickless . I forgot to tell you a key information about Ralsberg : he managed to loose his dick during CIA spy training . It is disturbing that he told this to me , even though first time I demanded him to tell me everything he knows that could be related to his request . More disturbing though is the fact that our government sends people as stupid as one who can have such an accident to spy on the russians . Especially when we have a black president .
After two years "together", Nina decided that Ralsberg's plastic dick became unbearable , although citing Ralsberg they would have sexual relations no more than twice per year . Nina intended trial , and is about to leave Ralsberg with nothing more than his clothes and a picture of her naked with her attorney . I would have nothing against this , normally . In fact I would laugh my ass off going everyday to the near by store and seeing Ralsberg begging . I'd go as far as preparing special jokes about his dickless condition , considering that this guy is the type I would one day want to stab and let bleeding to death just out of pleasure .
Unfortunately , I have to step in . Several pieces of information gathered about Nina and some other aces (ACE members) were starting to worry me . My reputation preceded me in ACE , and some of my hits gathered their attention . I've been closely studying the aces for a long time , but I never considered joining their ranks . Ruthless mercenaries , most of them are just money / bloodlust obsessed maniacs , directly descendant of the caveman killer i described in the prologue . However , I shall enter the subject of my kinds' mentality on other occasion .
Unfortunately again though , i was unaware that the same type of observation was present on the other side too . One time , while hacking through their database , i have remarked a more complete profile on me than that on many of their own agents . Varying from where I live to the precise number of my phone taxes , I was amazed , but also for the first time ever I felt a sensation of insecurity . Strangely though , ACE preferred not to contact me for a long period , more precisely two years . I had some theories in my mind , varying from the most stupid , such as the aces forgetting about me , to the crazy ones , like them wanting to get me insane and in an asylum . Whatever it would be about , silence was not an answer this time , rather a more disturbing , unsafe thought than any peace or war statement .
However , in those two years , I managed to get my most impressive hits . It could be that working under the constant pressure of an entire organization of super killers and stalkers knowing everything about me improved my efficiency , or it could just be the fact that I just coped with the idea that I was followed and no longer considered ACE a threat . Whatever the explanation was , ACE decided that the silenced war was enough .
Two weeks ago , while in Dark Motives , the goth club where i usually seek to feed my human needs (other than eating or shitting) , i had the barman telling me that someone expected to meet me behind closed doors . Although it seemed like a trap , I had a feeling nothing wrong would happen . As sometimes I trust my instincts more than I should for my own sake , it could've developed into trouble , but after all I found myself talking with a respected ACE member . Adnan Harisic , as was his name , an ex bosnian fighter in the Yugoslavian war , and also the assassin of Slobodan Milosevic ( and it was not UN ordered , just some "old trouble" them two had to settle , which resulted in Milosevic being poisoned ) , was the first real contact I ever had with ACE , and confirmed me the fact that I'm mostly paranoid . I was told that I was not in ACE's views until about recently , when my work became more and more "appreciated" by employers , and that the complete profile on me was also on several other "hot prospects" in our underworld . Indeed he proposed me joining their ranks , and for the reasons I told you earlier , I refused . At that moment , he told me a thing that would remain for some strange reason even to this day in my mind :
"Kid , a lonely wolf lives as much as striking one time really big . After that , the pack will see him as a menace. " , after that walking away and leaving me reflecting on what he said .
What does Nina have to do with this though ? As I said , some of her recent activity started to really worry me . But this is not the main reason for which I choose to do it . And neither is Ralsberg's money . I need to send ACE a message . And it would be better if I send it in blood , by taking out the spy . The nazi girl has recently operated exclusively in my area , and it's no coincidence . I'm just sorry I have to kill such a beauty .
Tonight , Nina is going to host an exclusive party triumphing her upcoming win in the trial against Ralsberg . Least does she know that it will be her last . I've taken care of every aspect , from writing fake emails on a stick and uploading them on her computer to make it look like suicide , to preparing a condom in case things get , how us assassins like to call them , "hardcore" . Bassicaly , I will enter the mansion , create a diversion for the private area guards to be distracted , after that enter her quarters and execute her on spot , probably after doing some acting . Nothing I haven't done before , but i have an uneasy feeling before sending ACE a message . The only thing I know for certain is that , whatever the outcome will be , ACE won't leave me alone ( in fact , that's what I'm counting on ) .
It's 10 AM . My Glock 21 , specifically chosen for this German party , will have to wait another 9 hours . So does the beast inside .

luni, august 31, 2009


What path dwells for those who choose bloodlust and nightfall against the ever lasting sunrise of the human nation ? Of course , some lonely demented Christian preacher would tell you that hell awaits those who shall not follow the path of his god . His merciful and good god , his ever-forgiving god , who burns down cities of sinners and punishes thou who shan't listen his word with eternal suffering . The god everyone asks for when in trouble . A mayor , a policeman , a federal agent all point the electric chair for such "disturbing , social outlaws " as myself . Never thinking that society managed to wreck it's own havoc around only by itself . It happens since the first primitive man for any reason grabbed a stone and bashed his neighbor's head until his skull eventually cracked and the thin line called life brutally snapped . Or , for the more precise Christian story , since Cain killed his brother Abel out of jealousy , being cursed forever by (again the good , merciful) god . To be honest , I identify myself more with the image of Cain , the murderer with a reason , although I would never kill anybody just for some pitty vengeance ( as vengeance is one of the most powerful sentiments our human kind will ever feel , and it should not be wasted on a lost cause ) . Yet , the reckless , just-to-see-how-it-is killing style of the primitive man suits me as much as a pair of pink jeans suit a die hard goth . I will let You , the reader , find out who and what I really am , but your judging of my actions will have as much effect as a blunt katana on a fully armored Tiger I . What will be done will be damn well done , and what will be written will be written in blood .
At this point , you might be wandering what kind of sick sadistic Charles Manson type of follower I am , what is wrong with me or why am I telling you all of this . To understand a human being , you must first understand their actions . I am not searching understanding in anyone , nor do I care if I will really get some . But understanding is a key part of human survival ; particularly in this writer-reader relationship , understanding plays a very important role for comprehending the nature of my future actions , for looking out of the closed box that society nails around the term of "evil" . So I am not seeking understanding for what I am , I am rather asking you not to label me with all the tired overused stickers that society brings on those of my kind , if you fully wish to comprehend anything out of what i shall do . If one shall manage to see past the unbreakable wall into the tiny snake hole that can be the only way of reaching the other side , then he can be proud of reaching the ultimate level of understanding .
So , to understand the nature of my actions , you first need to understand the meaning of "evil" . Throughout the years , society has labeled the descendants of the primitive man or Cain as evil . Or not . Evil is in fact a large term , used throughout the centuries as describing that which is opposed to good . In other words , the darkness that opposes the light , the sickness that opposes the health , or the madness that opposes the sanity . Society , in it's every form , had no problem labeling things as evil , once knowing what the good things are all about . What society failed to do , whatever , is to stop at some points and review everything it thought worth the label of good . And besides that , it failed to really check the labelers . For an epic of time , the only good accepted in the civilized world was god . The Christian Church , being the way "god would communicate with people" , though had immense powers drawn into it by the Middle Ages . So they were accepted as labelers of good . What our human kind doesn't seem to realize is that between our born instincts also is the ferocious need for power . Everyone of us has it , even though a lot deny it . Many mistake the need for power with greed , not realizing that this "greed" they talk about is one of our basic instincts . Let's just take some simple examples . As a child , who never just once felt the need of growing up for making your own decisions ? Isn't that a demonstration of a need for controlling our own life and the power which comes with it ? Moving on , once you have that power of decision as an adult , would you ever want to loose it ? To have someone else use that power for you ? And if you would ever loose it , wouldn't there be at least one thought of gaining it back ? That is what happened to the church my friends . Having this power of deciding what's good and what's wrong , they tried to destroy everything that would be a menace to this power . Examples vary , from the inquisition , to the destroying of the pagan religion considering it "satanism" , to the crusades and so on . There are many examples which resemble this situation , even though not as direct as exterminating a whole antique religion , that can be found also today . All that the reader should keep in mind is that power is a vital need for any human , although the intensity of the need varies from one man to another .
The point of what I just said was demonstrating that "good" and "evil" are relative terms , and depend strictly on those who have the power of labeling them . The biggest labeler of all time , the Bible , or any of the holy books of any other religions , succeeded on creating a background , a starting point for those who would follow at deciding what is good and wrong . It also left many open gates for those who want to shortcut their way of doing "good" as ten lousy commandments are a number way too small for a set of rules that should be applied to the game named human society ( what the hell , even the simplest boardgames have manuals of at least 2 or 3 pages ) .
Also , the promise of eternal suffering in case of disrespecting these commandments , was another background creator , as being the punishment for those who do "evil" in the idea of the labeler .
Still , I am not saying that things such as murdering without a reason or creating great suffering amongst innocent people are considered evil just because the church and the bible labeled them as that . I feel the need to remind the writer that I have nothing in common with reckless killing , nor with the first caveman criminal . Such foul acts I pity , for wasting the feeling of killing a person , again another one of the most powerful sentiments a human being could ever reach , is as stupid as wasting your money on a Madonna concert . Also , you would have to be a rare specimen of Forrest Gump not to find a serious reason for killing someone if that is what you really desire . I am asking everyone though to forget the normal labels that the church or the bible apply , as they are as accurate as Rick Allen with a sniper rifle .
So , evil occurs when a human beings' need for power outtakes his or hers capability to contain it . Also , there are no actions that can be labeled directly as "good" or "evil" . For every such action can be used on both constructive or destructive purposes , and every action does a variable amount of both good and evil . Sometimes , the good/evil done by a certain action is irrelevant , and that's why we tend to label it solely as the opposite . For example , helping a beggar , considered a good action , will encourage him to continue his actions , which in essence is evil , because he does nothing in exchange for the help he receives . Also it will encourage other people to start begging , hoping to have the same success . On the other side , not helping him will ultimately lead to his death , but will also discourage other potential beggars . Every choice that is made will cause both good and evil , as every action also has a counteraction . And also a couple of choices , be them good or evil , will produce results even after as much as many decades , sometimes proving to be have the exact different effect than what is expected .
What I wanted to say with this , concluding this tour of my sick mind , is that good and evil are relative terms , and depend solely on the one who has the power of labeling them , that there cannot be no supreme or pure "good" and "evil" in the real world , and that there cannot be good without evil and reverse . With this being said , those who comprehended this will judge me less for the appearances , and will understand a lot about the nature of my upcoming actions even from the first sight .

miercuri, aprilie 15, 2009

Afacerea Acca Dacca ( Ce Uameni)

Dupa ce doua zile am fost hraniti de iluzia unui vis fals , dar placut , iata ca toata treaba a iesit la iveala , iar AC/DC NU mai vin la mult laudatul "Bucharest Rock Arena " . Scuzati-ma , faptul nu este ca nu mai vin , ci ca nici nu trebuiau sa vina , poate doar in mintea bolnava a lor de la Play(not)Cool . E drept ca toata treaba putea de la inceput . Un festival la care vin doua nume mari si la care sunt asteptati de oameni anuntat asa cu doua luni inainte ? AC/DC , care pe langa faptul cu sunt in STADIUM TOUR si au refuzat sa participe la Glastonburry , sa vina la un eveniment pe un camp langa o autostrada la prima editie a unui festival necunoscut ? Parea prea frumos ca sa fie adevarat . Si chiar asa a fost . Totul a fost o mare teapa trasa rockerilor , de catre o firma anonima infiintata de doi frati israelieni (sa mai spuna lumea ca Hitler a fost rau ) pe 16.03.2009 , in care au fost implicati mai mult sau mai putin One Event , cei care trag raspunderea acuma din cauza faptului ca evreii au fugit in Israel si si-au inchis telefoanele ( =)))))))) ) . Cea mai mare teapa din istoria concertelor din Romania indeed , o pata neagra pe obrazul tuturor promoterilor care au scazut in incredere , o palma data mass-mediei care s-a aruncat cu capul inainte si a inghitit fiecare minciuna a organizatorilor , si , nu in ultimul rand , poate cel mai important , o joaca de-a va-ti ascunselea cu fanii trupei . Si , daca organizatorii pot trai linistiti cu o pata neagra , iar pentru mass media e un lucru obisnuit sa-si ia palme din acestea , cu fanii nu e de jucat . Se va ajunge probabil la acea situatie in care , ca sa fii sigur ca nu-ti iei teapa , tu , fan roman al unei trupe rock, vei ajunge sa-ti iei biletele doar la intrarea la concert (si atunci cine stie se va inventa o noua metoda de a fi pacalit chiar in ziua concertului ) .
Dar sa analizam mai in atent toata treaba : cum s-a putut ca in anul de gratie 2009 sa fim aproape pacaliti intr-un asemenea hal la un asemenea nivel ? Zic aproape deoarce ticketpoint , cei care s-au ocupat timp de doua zile sa vanda 8.000 de bilete la un festival care nu va exista , virase 10.000 de euro in avans in conturile israelienilor , urmand ca apoi sa vireze 300.000 , o suma care in perioada asta de asa zisa criza e o suma imensa . Si evident daca acei bani ar fi fost virati , adio bani inapoi pe bilete , ticketpoint i-ar fi trimis pe cumparatori sa ceara banii de la Play(not)Cool care sa nu uitam ca au telefoanele inchise . Sau cel putin asa zic ei . Voi dezvolta in continuare o teorie pe care nu o sustin in totalitate , dar care mi se pare plauzibila . One Event si Ticketpoint fac ca PlayCool sa para vinovati , dar daca de fapt acesti PlayCool nu sunt decat o firma infiintata de One Event ? In comunicatul oficial al firmei , cum naiba il cheama pe manager a spus doua lucruri total ilogice : primul cum ca One Event a intrat pe fir doar ca un fel de consilier ar firmei "nou venite pe piata" , al doilea ca cica ei s-ar fi ocupat doar de trupele romanesti si ca nu au verificat pana ieri daca exista vreun contract cu trupa australiana . Ori , crede cineva ca vreun organizator cu relativa experienta pe piata , cu concerte serioase la activ , s-ar fi inhaitat asa cu prima firma iesita in cale , de-abia infiintata acum o luna ? Sa fim seriosi . Mai ales faptul cu trupele romanesti , o scuza aruncata pe drum , pentru ca atunci cand organizezi ceva de o asemenea amploare , normal ca verifici tot ce fac partenerii . One Event practic fac pe prostii , vrand sa-i credem . Toata afacerea ar putea fi foarte usor o escrocherie intre Ticketpoint si One Event prin intermediul fantomaticei PlayCool , si anume aceasta firma fantoma ar putea sa fie o colaborare intre One si afaceristii aia doi israelieni . Simplu : se anunta AC/DC , prostii cumpara bilete , Ticketpoint isi ia partea , restul sunt transferati inspre PlayCool , afaceristii aia doi isi pastreaza si ei o parte din profit , urmand ca restul banilor sa ajunga prin intermediul unor transferuri multiple la banci din Insulele Galapagos in conturile mai marilor de la One Event . Dar ce a mers prost , avand in vedere ca banii sunt returnati cumparatorilor a.k.a credulilor printre care era sa ma aflu si eu ? Pai , contiunand teoria mea , unul din cei doi , probabil Ticketpoint , s-a speriat atunci cand si-a dat seama ca totul ar putea deveni o incurcatura legale care s-ar solda cu pedepse grave daca totul s-ar afla , si l-a fortat pe celalalt sa dea totul in vileag . Evident nu totul , vina urmand sa revina pe PlayCool , adica pe cineva care nici nu exista , fanii raman doar cu nemultumirea in suflet dar cu banii returnati , adica toate bune si frumoase . One Event au inventat scuza penibila cu trupele romanesti prin care s-a spalat pe maini de tot , ramanand doar cu o pata neagra pe obraz , cam cea mai mica pedeapsa pe care o puteau primi pentru toata afacerea . Ticketpoint a scos la iveala faza cu cei aproape 300.000 de euro pentru a se victimiza si mai mult , ei scapand cel mai usor din tot . Repet , exista sanse sa ma insel , n-o sa ma bat cu pumnii in piept ca eu nu mint niciodata , dar mi se pare cea mai plauzibila teorie .
Un lucru destul de grav , care ma afecteaza oarecum avand in vedere ca acesta este domeniul in care as vrea sa lucrez , este faptul ca toata mass-media a pus botul la aceasta teapa . Aici as putea sa zic ca am ganduri impartite , deoarece la un eveniment de o asemenea masura evident ca iei drept adevarat orice comunicat trimis de "organizatori" . Insa , povestea , cum am zis avea si destule gauri , pe care noi fanii , prinisi de euforia anuntului , nu le puteam remarca sau le explicam usor , dar pe care un jurnalist de la New York Times de exemplu le-ar fi remarcat cu usurinta si nu s-ar fi hazardat in toata treaba . Mai ramane si problema cu site-ul Metalhead , care acum are multi contestatari , unde tind sa dau dreptate si sa mustrez ambele parti : oameni buni Metalhead a fost doar parghia prin intermediul careia ati aflat comunicatele de presa , nu sunt ei de vina ca toata treaba a fost o escrocherie mascata frumos . De asemenea , draga Morrison ( administratorul site-ului pentru cei care nu stiu ) , n-ar trebui sa mai pui reputatia site-ului la bataie (citat din articolul in care era anuntat oficial concertul "Metalhead nu promoveaza stiri false ! Si zvonurile noastre sunt imbracate intr-o haina groasa de adevar!" ca raspuns la cei ce puneau la indoiala prezenta celor de la AC/DC in Romania ) , caci iata iese rau , iar unii fani au dreptul sa critice acest lucru . Mai ales ca un lucru simplu putea sa puna la indoiala toata aceasta afacere : faptul ca AC/DC de fiecare data isi rezerva dreptul de a pune in vanzare bilete pentru fanclub cu 24 de ore inainte de a fi puse in vanzare pentru restul lumii , iar de aceasta data nu a fost cazul .
Si , nu in ultimul rand , ramane problema fanilor , care s-au vazujt pentru 48 de ore la 7 saptamani distanta de o intalnire cu idolii . De ce au ales tocmai fanii rock-ului din toata muzica acesti escroci ? Pentru ca stiau ca noi suntem cei mai fideli , devotati din toat industria muzicala , atasamentul nostru fata de trupe nu este intalnit fata de nici un artist pop , rap sau dj , si asta ne face cei mai creduli si usor de mintit oameni din lume . Asta probabil n-o sa ne fie invatatura de minte , o sa dam vina pe tara de rahat in care am crescut , care 90% e adevarat . Important este sa ramanem uniti si dam cu pietre in cei care merita , care ne trag pe sfoara , nu sa ne injuram intre noi doar fiindca suntem nervosi fiindca am luat teapa .
Sper ca nu v-am plictisit cu acest articol monstru , desi dupa parerea mea este pe masura escrocheriei ce era sa aibe loc . Adevarul este ca traim intr-o tara de cacat si asta ne fute tot timpul , o tara in care lumea , hranita cu iluzia acestei crize financiare care este doar o scornire , face orice pentru bani ( asa era si inainte dar acum parca se vede mai accentuata :)) . Umila mea concluzie de final este ca ar fi bine sa nu mai punem botul asa usor la astfel de chestii dubioase de acum inainte .
Until next time cheers \m/